What is the Church?

Below are four wonderfully simple presentations of what the Church is all about produced by www.centralchristian.com.  I posted these videos with one new friend in mind.  He has this belief that their church is the only one founded by Christ, but in no way has he said this in a negative manner and with negative designs.  He has a lot of very good insights.  I have been a Christian long enough to realize that it is not my role to change another man's beliefs.  I could only listen, pray and present some of my beliefs in return, then leave the results to God.

This post is also for those who adhere to the same faith or traditions (using this term loosely) as I profess, who, like me, may be wondering where our Church is at or how our churches are doing.

I hope the first video "What is the Church?" can help my friend mentioned above clear some concerns about the Church.  It seems that his misgivings are founded on his inclination to look at the church based on its polity, it's organization.  He is correct.  I just hope he learns to go beyond the polity aspect and learn to focus on the heart and intention of God in creating this simple yet complex organism vaguely called "the Church".  This video should also remind others like me and those who profess the same or similar systems, of how simple Church is.  This, along with the following three videos on the Missional Church, Amazing Grace, and Why People Don't Come to Church should bring us to thinking how we may have caused or took part in the unwarranted complication of an otherwise simple organism that the Lord Jesus Christ came to seek and die for.

"What is the Church?"

The Missional Church:  Simple

Amazing Grace:  bringing us back to what Jesus Christ came to earth for

Reasons Why People Don't Come to Church

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